Ecolog Materials Group manufactors and sells its epoxy curing agents under the name of Epoxycure Corporation . Epoxycure began its manufacturing life as a small custom epoxy curing agent supplier to West Coast companies specializing in adhesives, sealants, and composites for the recreational products markets. From 1987 to 1998, production and marketing was confined to the Western states. In 1998, we developed tolling agreements in the St.Paul area and Boston, MA.
Over the past nine years, we have developed a reputation as a custom supplier of curing agents, both ambient and heat cured, to the small and medium sized formulator. We offer a standard line of products under the Epoxycure trade name and provide specialized products and systems based on the needs of the individual formulator. We can provide, under your own label, either a customized CA or a resin/CA system in sizes ranging from 50 gallons up to truck load quantities.
In addition to the standard Aliphatic and Cycloaliphaticbased curing agents, we offer blends of amines, adducts, and mannich based products. The most recent additions to our line include water based dispersions of resins and curing agents, as well as additive modified curing agents to eliminate carbamation and amine odor in the curing stage.
In today’s ever changing supply environment, Epoxycure Corporation stands as an US based and owned manufacturer of technology driven curatives for the epoxy systems market place. Both toll facilities are ISO 9001 certified. We welcome your inquiries and provide a request form that will allow you to outline your curing agent needs so we can best serve you. Click here for a list of the epoxy curing agents we carry.
Epoxy seamless floors are applied in 1/4 to 3/8 thickness as a protective aesthetic surface on concrete substrates. In light institutional floorings, they provide attractive looks, clean ability and good wear resistance. The system is an amine cured epoxy thermoset layer with suitable filler and pigments that cures in a proper time for quick back to service. Hotel hallways, bathrooms and food service areas are ideal candidates for epoxy seamless floors. Today’s technologies favor the use of cycloaliphatic amine curatives such as EC422 or EC430.
Starting formulas with resin and additive suggestions available under technical data section.
Epoxy flooring formulas are relatively straight forward two package products of the liquid resin and curing agent. A third component will be the silica filler and mixture of fine and course silica and pigment. Some manufacturers prefer to pre pigment the resin portion to assure a good pigment mix in the system. A 2 to 1 ratio of resin to curing agent is the most preferred since it greatly minimized the problem of incorrect mix ratio.
For field use, the resin is packaged 3 parts to 1.5 parts curative by weight. The Irative is then mixed into the laraer eontainer holdina the resin A nortahle mixer with paddle blade is use to mix thoroughly and then filler is added. The mix is free flowing and poured on to the substrate. A serrated trowel is used to spread the material and set application thickness by the height of the teeth.
Self-leveling floors consist of Part A diluted epoxy resin formulated with colorants and fine filler components such as silica flour. Part B amine curing agent and Part C courser fillers. A proper ratio of liquids (A&B) to Fillers (Part C) is 1 to 4 This makes for a flowable mix. A serrated trowel is used to spread the mixture and a spiked roller is used to accelerate de-aeration and avoid surface defects durina c:urina As a result self-levelina flnnrg he effinientlv annlipd I In several hundred square feet per day.
The cured floor is ready for exposure to traffic 24 hours after application. This is determined by temperature conditions and the right selection of curative. EC422 is a curative of choice for this application in 55 0 F plus situations. Cooler ambient temperatures would require a faster curative (EC423) be blended in to assure a 24 hour return of the floor to traffic.