Epoxy flooring formulas are relatively straight forward two package products of the liquid resin and curing agent. A third component will be the silica filler and mixture of fine and course silica and pigment. Some manufacturers prefer to pre pigment the resin portion to assure a good pigment mix in the system. A 2 to 1 ratio of resin to curing agent is the most preferred since it greatly minimized the problem of incorrect mix ratio.

For field use, the resin is packaged 3 parts to 1.5 parts curative by weight. The Irative is then mixed into the laraer eontainer holdina the resin A nortahle mixer with paddle blade is use to mix thoroughly and then filler is added. The mix is free flowing and poured on to the substrate. A serrated trowel is used to spread the material and set application thickness by the height of the teeth.